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aAaB aCaD aEaF aGaH aIaJ aKaL aMaN aOaP aQaR aSaT aUaV aWaX aYaZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
AALCO associated aluminum 17
GOLCHA associated +triangle 1
GOLCHA associated group 1
RELIANCE associated agro 42
AA AMRTA associates 36
AADHAR associates 36
ALA AGAMA law associates 45
BACKOFFICE associates 42
CA computer associates 9
DURGA associates 36
EMPIRE associates +oval 35
INVESTA associates 36
J.D. power and associates 35
J.N. associates 35
LAWTHIRST associates +oval 45
MACE corporate associates 45
MD associates +buildings 42
MNS associates 36
MNS associates +circles 35
N.N. associates 37
NANAK associates 16
PA PIONEER associates 6
PA pawan associates +square 36
PAUL associates 16, 36
R.K. AASHIRWAD associates 36
RAJANI associates 16
SA software associates 16
SAGI design associates 16
SALVE associates 14
SO software associates 9
SREEPATHI associates 37
SWING associates +square 20
VALCO vishnu associates ltd 6
bhoomi associates +triangle 36
obesity associates +man sun 42
r REGE associates 9
sthapathy associates +squar 36, 37
teja associates 37
JAIIB junior associateship 16, 41
associatio 16
AMT the association 35
association 35
association 16
RAI retailers association 35, 36, 41, 42
RAM rugby association +man 41
intl association LIONS CLUB 35
CLAP assorted flavours 30
PARLE'S picnic assorted +me 30
PASSION assorted frooty nut 30
RAPTURES assorted chocolate 30
VC assorted toffees 30
AVE KSHAA assurance 42
assurance 19
HDFC term assurance plan 36
LEVEL TERM assurance benefi 9, 16
ORISON quality assurance 12
Q QUICK assurance of qualit 16
assurance 20
RO MO assurance of quality 17
assurance 25
PPL WE assure quality 17
invest assure FLEXI 36
A'VE care assured +arcs 3
DISHA for assured success 16
ESSENTIALS quality assured 3, 5, 21, 24, 25
FNC quality assured service 41
LANCE rest assured +oval 6, 19
TPSGOLD DAIRY assured pure 29
best assured HCL +ovals 9, 16
rest assured 20
KONGU assuring the best 16
GOLCHHA fuel cock assy 12
asta lakshmi +goddess 3
aster +triangle 9
asterisk & arcs 24, 35
99 +asterisk hash & arrows 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 19, 21, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43
ALTER DOMUS +asterisk 35, 36, 41, 45
ANDRIL +asterisk 25
AST CRM +asterisk 9
ASTERISK +asterisk 18
ASTTECS +asterisk 38
BLOOMINGVILLE +asterisk 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 34, 35
DOGMA +asterisk 35, 42
E-SY plus +asterisk 3
ECVC 20 +asterisk & square 3
ENLIVO +asterisk 16
ESHOP 24 7 +asterisk 9
GFI +asterisk 9
I-GLOWEC +asterisk 3
JORDAN +asterisk 21
KB B +asterisk 9, 36
METAHIST +asterisk 5
MURANO +asterisk 18
MY MEDIA +asterisk & square 9, 41
NAVKAAR FASHION +asterisk 24
QST R +asterisk 1, 5, 42
REBA +asterisk 25
SKY 4 4 CAPSULE +asterisk 5
SKY MOON +asterisk 25
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